Nowadays, having a regularly updated blog on your website may seem like an archaic marketing strategy of the past. Why bother when there’s social media? We get it, and we hear you—but you may be missing out on some serious value for your business by excluding blogs and content writing altogether. Blog writing needs a rebrand for the era of social media marketing, but we’re here to help—let's explore the 10 benefits of having a business blog!
Why Your Business Needs a Blog in 2025
Blogs may seem dated, yet their usefulness in marketing prevails. An estimated 600 million blog posts live online and continue growing daily. Additionally, 77% of internet users worldwide read blogs to gain valuable insights, and 44% of internet users read blogs to help determine their purchasing decisions. Here are the 10 benefits of blog writing and why you shouldn’t put this strategy on the back burner:
- Become a Reputable Source and Thought Leader
Blogs position a brand as a credible source and thought leader in the industry among customers and competitors. As competition in every market skyrockets, building this credibility is paramount to standing out. By sharing industry-specific knowledge, your business will build trust with your target audience and identify your brand as a field expert.
- A Personal Brand Advocate
Blogs will advocate for your brand, answering big questions such as: “Why do I need your product?” and “How will this service solve XYZ?” For customers who are on the fence about buying your product, blogs could be a selling point for traffic on your website. FAQ pages may answer some of these questions; however, these pages are limited in the information you can provide. A blog page solves this issue, allowing you to elaborate on the big questions and even answer smaller, niche questions not featured on the FAQ page.
- Boost SEO and Visibility
It’s simple—having a regularly updated blog page will boost search engine optimization (SEO) and online visibility, thus driving more traffic to the website and increasing the likelihood of sales traffic via the website. With SEO best practices, blogs will expand your reach and rank higher on search engines. Plus, each blog creates another page on your website, which helps search engines better understand your business and how they should rank and organize the website. Blogs also allow your website to receive backlinks when another website links to yours. The more backlinks your website can garner, the better your SEO and the higher website traffic you’ll receive.
- Build Brand Awareness and Customer Loyalty
Blogs increase brand awareness through education and community-building. Having blogs builds loyalty by giving new and regular customers a reason to continue returning to your website whether or not they need to purchase. By sharing information on your company and helpful tips for your target audience, you give them a reason to return to your website time and time again. This keeps your brand on their radar, increasing the likelihood they’ll become a first-time customer and returning customers when they’re ready, creating a stronger relationship between your brand and the customer beyond just the transaction.
Noise is abundant on social media, often with content that does not resonate with its target audience and fails to convert followers into customers. While there are many ways to improve your engagement on social media, creating content that converts will lead to better success. Well-performing content often provides value to its target audience, and while a well-strategized social media post can achieve this, sharing a blog can take it further. Promoting a blog post on social media can pique a person’s interest and guide them toward your website. From there, experiences with your brand are enriched, encouraging your audience to take action by exploring your website further or even completing a transaction. The same can be said for email marketing—it must provide valuable content for subscribers to remain engaged. Sharing blogs in your newsletters is another high-value element that can attract more traffic to your website.
- Storytelling Sells Your Brand
As a result of the oversaturated markets, many people wonder why they should support a specific brand. So, how do you set your brand apart from all the others? By telling an authentic story about your brand with blog writing. Authentic storytelling provides the building blocks for a well-rounded business to connect with its target audience. Storytelling is a pivotal point in marketing, creating a relationship that’s not just transactional but one that appeals to the values and lifestyles of their customers. People want to support brands that align with their views on the world, and storytelling with blogs is the way to appeal to this need.
- Create a Bank of Evergreen Content
Blogs create a bank of evergreen content for the website, which you can repurpose in social media content for years. Blogs are not a one-and-done strategy. The content in these blogs can be shared and repurposed time and time again, ensuring you always have content to fall back on when your idea bank is running low. Plus, unlike a social media post, blogs often transcend time, meaning they are always relevant. Most people won’t see or interact with an old social media post; however, they are likely to read a high-quality blog post, even if it’s a few years old.
- Big Competitors Have a Blog
Almost all competitors, big or small, have a regularly updated blog page full of information. In fact, an estimated 60% of businesses utilize blog writing as a key element in their marketing strategy. If blog writing is a common practice for your industry, we wouldn’t advise deviating. If the biggest competitors find value in regularly posting blogs, then smaller and medium-sized companies shouldn’t overlook this marketing strategy either. Don’t become the competition outlier at the detriment of your marketing efforts.
- Multipurpose Content that is Flexible According to Needs
Blog topics are not limited—they can include educational content, trending topics, and company news, such as highlighting a new product. This makes blogs multipurpose, as they can keep customers updated on company changes, hop onto trending topics in the industry, provide an educational resource, and foster a community centered around your brand. This is especially helpful when social media trends pop up—want to jump on a related industry trend online? Don’t worry; you’ve already got a blog for that!
- Social Media Platforms are Shifty
As a digital marketing agency, we are the biggest advocates for social media marketing. However, there is something to be said about traditional digital marketing methods. Social media platforms may seem cemented in our online world, and while social media isn’t going anywhere, the platforms on which we apply our marketing strategies are likely to shift. Take MySpace, for example; they’ve been out of the game for years now, and the target audiences on any platform can change at any time. In just a few years, Facebook began to naturally align with older generations, while the popular video platform Vine shut down with little notice despite its immense success. And the current social media sensation, TikTok? Government entities are attempting to ban every marketer's favorite platform in the U.S.
All of this to say, social media may dominate the marketing world, but platform permanence is shifty. Imagine waking up tomorrow and your entire Instagram account is gone. By utilizing additional marketing methods, your brand would be in a stronger position to pivot than others while still having access to the community you’ve built. While businesses scramble for a solution, your company can fall back on other digital marketing methods while finding its footing on new platforms.
Across all industries, digital marketing is essential for any successful business. Digital marketing establishes a strong relationship with your target audience and increases your brand’s awareness, allowing your company to reach a wider audience. To grow your business, evaluate your current digital marketing strategy to determine what’s working and what still needs improvement.
If your team needs help with digital marketing, the first step to your success starts here! Contact us today, and watch your business grow tomorrow!
Go Beyond The Social With BlueTickSocial
BlueTickSocial is a woman-owned and women-led digital marketing agency. We focus on building your digital presence to generate sales, increase engagement, create brand awareness, and take your company goals to the next level.