Given that a majority of consumers stayed home this year, the digital media landscape changed dramatically in 2020. How will these changes impact digital media in 2021?

1. A Less Is More Approach

As a result of COVID-19, many brands have capitalized on 2020 by developing meaningful and in-touch campaigns rather than producing mass content. This thoughtful approach is expected to continue in 2021 as a way for brands to ensure that the connections they have made with their audience remain intact and just as valuable.

2. Conversational Marketing

Conversational marketing is not a new concept and continues to grow as brands expand their social media presence. Conversational marketing can be defined as a one-on-one approach to marketing by allowing brands to communicate openly with their consumers. The tone of conversational marketing, however, has shifted to create a more personal and engaging conversation. This tone has changed the way brands approach consumers and in turn, consumers have responded positively. 2020 has been all about personal relationships; 2021 will be no different.

3. Increased Live Feeds and Events

The impact of COVID-19 left many feeling alone and disconnected. Thankfully, many brands recognized this and increased their number of live feeds and live events on Zoom calls or social media channels. By allowing consumers to engage first-hand, brands have experienced growth on their respective platforms and now have new ways to measure audience engagement on social media. Live events, Q&As, and other live feeds help followers feel engaged with your brand in a way that they have never experienced before; this will undoubtedly continue in 2021.

4. eCommerce Growth

With consumers searching for a new way to shop, social media platforms have stepped up to become a one-stop-shop  (no pun intended). Most recently, Instagram has added a Shop feature to help brands sell directly through their Instagram pages. The Instagram shopping feature might have just laid the groundwork for other social media platforms to launch their own shopping features in 2021.

5. Video

We have talked about it before and we will talk about it again, but videos have come out on top in 2020. By the looks of it, videos plan to stay there in 2021. YouTube, TikTok, IG Reels, and even Twitch streaming have grown in popularity over the past year. People are looking for content that entertains and not just informs. Platforms like TikTok or IG Reels make it easy and fun to test the waters of video!
